Overall, I am fairly happy with the final animation. The character I have created is original and I feel would appeal to 4-14 year olds. It also attempts to convey the message of "Make the best of a bad situation”. No matter how many times the blob is knocked down or trodden on, he gets up and moves on. When he realises he can’t get the cake, he is still happy and celebrates his birthday.
The character itself finds ways to show it’s emotion, despite it’s lack of a face. Most of the expression comes from the eyes, but it also shows some human characteristics (yawning, gulping, smiling etc.) as well as animal expressions (wagging it’s “tail”). It has characteristic cartoon motions as well (the eyes growing and shrinking depending on the danger, the jumping for joy at the sight of something it wants).
The character is immediately shown as friendly in the intro sequence as he waves at the camera. His dream of the cake is realised pretty quickly, by his excitement when seeing it. His fears are also pretty obvious, shown in the eyes. His special skill is to be able to transform into most things it sees, and can take a lot of punishment.
This character has potential to be a main character of a story, but more likely will fit as a sidekick.
I had several problems during development that I noted in the individual scenes. Although creating emotion in such an undefined shape was pretty tricky. My first attempts proved promising, but by the time I realised it was harder than it seemed, it was too late to change it or the methods I used. I managed to create some character, and definitely made something that you can feel for.
Some improvements I would like is the ability to manipulate his body to form a mouth. I attempted to use a higher number of control points on a FFD Box, but it caused a large amount of lag on my system. I had a go at using the morpher tool, but had issues with the FFD Box, as it is used so much in the animation and I couldn’t really remove it.
The animation itself I’m proud of, and involved a fair bit of research to get it to the final version. Although it could definitely be improved, the character has been created and the concept is there.
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